Cancer Support
CanHope provides help to anyone affected by cancer in our communities, the South Carolina counties of Aiken, Allendale, Bamberg, Barnwell, Edgefield, McCormick, and Orangeburg. We promote the early detection and prevention of cancer. For more information, contact us at 803-649-5433.
Financial Support
Financial Support is available to cancer patients that meet designated criteria. If your income is within 250% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines, we may be able to pay for your cancer-related medications as well as transportation mileage reimbursement to cancer treatments and Doctor appointments.
Although we don’t place any restrictions on where you obtain treatment, you must be a resident of one of the following seven counties in South Carolina: Aiken, Allendale, Bamberg, Barnwell, Edgefield, McCormick, or Orangeburg.